References in Concentric Man

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The inability to look into oneself and recognize one's own feelings is discussed in view of its relevance to psychosomatics.

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Solomon GF Armkraut AA and Ph Kasper (1974) Immunity, emotions and stress. Psychother. Psychosomat. 23: 209-217 A seminal article about the links between stressful events and reduced immune function. It was followed by world-wide reserch projects that led to the discipline of psycho-neuro-immunology.

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Accepts Pringle's concept of coupled non-linear oscillations as a model of learning. Goodwin later demonstrated a valid substratum for learning and development.

Thorpe WH (1974) Animal nature and human nature. Methuen, London.

I owe much to the author of this "natural history of religion" .

Tinbergen N. and E.S. (1983) "Autistic" children. New hope for a cure. George Allan and Unwin, London.

This study in pediatric ethology demonstrates that there is no need for wild guesses and speculations as to the causes of behavioural abnormalities. Based on solid observations over an extended time, the Tinbergens present a coherent theory that does justice to the most diverse factors. The proposed therapy has yielded notable results. See also M.Welch.

Wallin Nils L. (1991) Biomusicology: neurophysiological and evolutionary perspectives on the origins and purposes of music. Pendragon Press, Stuyvesant N.Y.

Welch M. (1988) Holding time. Simon and Schuster, New York.

Subtitled "How to eliminate conflict, temper tantrums, and sibling rivalry and raise happy, loving, successful children" this account of intensive parent guidance has inspired a new generation of therapists, counsellors and special educators, such as A.Solter, website: see below

Wilson EO (1975) Sociobiology, the new synthesis. Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge Mass./London

"    (1998) Consilience, the unity of knowledge. A.A.Knopf New York

Yakovlev PI (1970) The structural and functional trinity of the body, brain and behaviour. in Current research in neurosciences, edit. HC Wycis

"    (1972) A proposed definition of the limbic system. In Limbic system mechanisms and autonomic functions. edit. CH Hockman, Thomas Springfield Illinois.

Several authors other than Yakovlev have, independently, given shape to concentrically layered models of the organisation of behaviour, and also to the discovery of a layered structure of the brain, e.g. P. Maclean. I have applied the model in Damsté PH (1990) Stotteren, 4th edition, Bohn Scheltema en Holkema, Utrecht

Link to list of  Other publications by the author (Dr P.H.Damsté, photocopies sent on request)  

Links to sources and related subjects: (A.Solter) (an emotionally healthy environment for educating children)   (educating by consequences) (Union of European Phoniatricians) (a summary of the six stages of moral development) (moral education) (transactional analysis in Europe) (website of C.Steiner)


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